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踊るみなさま そうこうしているうちに、高野ダンスが近づいてきました! はやくみんなに会いたいです。人と集まって過ごす夜って、いいものだなあと、時々つくづく思うのです。 でーびっど的には、つぎのダンスは雨乞いのダンスらしいので、えいごが嫌じゃない人は、でいびっどの書いたお話も読んでね。おもしろいから。 **** コントラダンスの夜 2010年9月18日(土)5時から初心者講習 9時まで 高野カトリック教会 第一伝道館 持ち物は、おいしい食べ物(食べるのに食器がいらなくて、できるだけゴミの出ない手づくりの食べ物だとうれしい) と、じぶんが使うコップです。 **** The People said, "This heat is terrible and frightening. It had dried up our crops, dried up our bodies, dried up our hearts. Oh Wise One, what shall we do?" And the Wise One retired to the Mountains, and Pondered and Reflected. And after a Long Time, the Wise One returned and faced the People. The Wise One said, "The Gods have spoken. They have a message for the people. It is time for the RAIN DANCE! It's time for the RAIN SONG." So the people sang the RAIN SONG. And they sang it to the to the sacred tune. The sacred tume was called, "Farmer in the Dell". And this was the SONG: In Takano we will romp In Takano we will romp Hi-Ho the Merry-O, In Takano we will romp 2nd verse: Our Happy Feet Will Stomp, Our Happy Feet Will Stomp, etc. 3rd verse: On Good Food We Will Chomp , etc. last verse: So Please Bring Us A Swamp! , etc. and the Gods were pleased. And the Gods sent the People another Message. And the Message was found written on a Web. And the name of the Message was http://contrakyoto.byethost9.com . And in the Message they found a map and instructions on what to bring. And in the message there was a date. And the date was called next Saturday. And the people did know this as September 18th. And there were also sacred times in the sacred message, and the sacred times were 5:30 to 9:00PM. And the people were told to bring great and nutritious food and refreshments. And they were to eat it with their fingers. And that was all that was in the message. And so the people did follow the message to the Takano Church, and there was much feasting and rejoicing. But there was probably not a lot of rain, because the Wise One did not know about Global Warming... PR ![]() ![]() |
[06/16 風の又三郎]
[06/15 風の又三郎]
[05/16 風の又三郎]
[01/03 tomoco.K]
[12/02 竹上耀介]